4 Visual Supports You Need for Behavior Management

I have learned NOT to enter my first week in speech without my trusted behavior support visuals. I have a whole filing cabinet drawer of visuals, one that you would get lost within, yet I have developed a few tried and true favorite visuals that make my first week and beyond a bit more successful! I'm sharing my top 4 categories of behavior support visuals. You can find the entire packet here (linked in each section below, as well).


Did you know that visual schedules help to alleviate stress and anxiety students feel about expected routines? They greatly help with comprehension of tasks. Visual schedules also help students with ASD in becoming independent of adult prompts and cues (Mesibov, Shea, & Schopler, 2005).

I use a simple 4 part schedule for my speech therapy sessions. I can easily switch it out for the session activities. Students can move each task to the finished spot. Despite my best intentions, not all of my students love staying in my sessions, so knowing there is an end is motivating. 


We all work for rewards and reinforcement. Whether you finish your work before you eat your chocolate bar, do your have-to-dos before your want-to-dos, or push through to meet a deadline for a promotion, we all find incentives motivating. 

Allow your students the same benefit of working to accomplish a task and be rewarded for their efforts. Easily use token boards by offering intermittent reinforcement with an end reward in mind. 


Help your students self-monitor with visuals. Taking breaks, learning to wait (read about how to teach wait), asking for help, having countdowns or parameters, and choosing tools to aid attention and focus help with student self-monitoring. Teach your students how to advocate for what they need using visual supports.


Goals are essential for progress. You can change the plan, but keep the goal. Easily set students up with achievable behavioral goals and watch them master the skills necessary for success with these visual goals.

Join me in preparing for behavior management with visual supports. You can grab all the visuals here.

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