Books in Speech Therapy | February

Have you started using books in speech therapy? Books provide all the language you need for any session. I've compiled my list of February books. I hope you can find at least one to use in your lessons. 

If you have been reading this series (you can check out January here), the books I share can be used for traditional elementary caseloads and often for your entire caseload and for multiple weeks, using one book. For me, currently, pushing into classrooms has changed my pace to reflect that of the teacher's and focus to a single grade level per book. 

Here’s the list of books I have in my February bin.
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Here’s what I target with just about EVERY book:

→Sequencing, retelling, summarizing, story grammar/elements (character, setting, problem, events, consequences, ending/solution)
→Tier 1 describing, Tier 2 vocabulary, synonyms & antonyms
→Comparing & contrasting/similarities & differences
→Basic concepts, direction words, temporal concepts
→WH questions-basic and inferential
→Verbs & pronouns
→Sentence generation-higher level structures, conversational, expansion

Here are my "top targets" for each book.

A Loud Winter's Nap
Story grammar
WH questions
Social/pragmatic-flexible thinking

If you have read Too Many Carrots by Katy Hudson, you will enjoy this story with familiar characters. Tortoise doesn't like change, but when forced to try something new, he discovers something magical about winter. Check out my book companion.

Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch
Comparing & contrasting
Synonyms & antonyms

Mr. Hatch is a very predictable character who keeps to himself. One day, an anonymous valentine changes his life. This is a must read for February. If you are looking for a book companion to help with your planning, check out this one here.

Henry's Freedom Box
Summarizing, retelling
Sentence generation-expansion

Henry dreams of freedom in this true story of the Underground Railroad. His courage will inspire your students while opening the discussion about real historical events. 

Love Monster
Basic concepts

Love Monster finds it hard to fit in a world of cute, fluffy things. His journey to find love results in love finding him. Take a peek at my book companion.

The Day it Rained Hearts
Similarities & differences
Sequencing, story retell

When it rains hearts, Cornelia Augusta knows just what to do with them. This sweet story sparks creativity and thoughtfulness. Try using my freebie for story retelling.

Each Kindness
Comparing & Contrasting

Get ready to tear up when reading this story aloud. Each Kindness is a powerful story that shows even small acts of kindness can change the world.

Town Mouse Country Mouse
Story Grammar
Compare & Contrast
Tier 1 describing

Jan Brett retells this classic Aesop's Fable of mice longing for something different and in the end learning to be content. Check out my book companion.

I hope your February is filled with literacy! Let me know if there is a book I must add to this list?

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